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Current Conditions


Local Weather report (Stowmarket) The data shown below is based on a semi-real-time weather feed from a location West of Stowmarket. The view shown here updates every 5 minutes (refresh your browser to see this), and is based on a weather data refresh about every 15 minutes.

METARs The local information on the current weather (METAR) and forecasts is as follows:

TAFs See the TAF link for area forecasts. If you wish to select a particular TAF, use the following URL, replacing the ICAO code for the TAF of your choice. For example, RAF Lakenheath (ICAO site code of EGUL) is:


Simply change the last four letter ICAO code in the above and put into the ‘address’ box in a browser window. A list of all ICAO codes is available here, but local ones include:


  • EGSC (CBG) - Cambridge Airport - Cambridge, England

  • EGSH (NWI) - Norwich International Airport - Norwich, England

  • EGUL (LKZ) - RAF Lakenheath - Lakenheath, England

  • EGUN (MHZ) - RAF Mildenhall - Mildenhall, England

  • EGUW - RAF Wattisham - Stowmarket, England

  • EGYM (MRH) - RAF Marham - Marham, England

Text METARs See the METAR link for area forecasts as text. If you wish to select a particular summary METAR, use the following URL, replacing the ICAO code for the location of your choice. As above, RAF Lakenheath (ICAO site code of EGUL) is:



Simply change the last four letter ICAO code in the above and put into the ‘address’ box in a browser window.

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